Your Ideal Parallel Reality. Heartfelt. Radical.

Take the leap:

Letters for Self Mastery and Personal Development

Passing on the Epiphany Baton

These are some of my biggest lightbulb and epiphany moments I’ve gathered over my life.

I’ve been in personal development for 15+ years.
Read hundreds of books.
Met with the best.

My wish, is to pass these forward.

So that when the inevitable happens…

It’ll stay alive within each and every one of you.

I hope you can take these impact the world,
in your own, special way.

Your Friend & Co-Creator


My mission and destiny to is help connect others with their own mission. I love helping others discover their ideal destiny.

I believe we all have an ideal life line – we just need to know how to choose well.

This requires conscious living and designing reality to your own blueprint and not having society create it for you.

That is true freedom.

Your Ideal Parallel Reality. Heartfelt. Radical.

Take the leap: